He is the brave man who sacrificed his precious life to save the nation from the strong holds imposed by the cowards in the name of terrorists who have no guts to face the gunshots of our army but have the hearts to execute people who are defenseless and harmless just for the sake of a stupid islamic ideology called 'Jihad'. When the media was continuously following the developments that were going on within the Taj, no one had any clue of what exactly was going on the minds of the commandos who put their lives at stake to save the day. Major Unnikrishnan wouldn't have realized it would be the last day in his life when he dropped out of the bad in the morning. Fate was right on his tail in the form of his opinions and ideas. When the commando team was struggling hard to bring down the defense of the militants, Unnikrishnan decided to take them on his own and took his position on the third floor. But, he never knew the terrorist forces were too strong for him to break through. When one of his fellow men fell down after being hit by the bullets shot from the guns of the terrorists, Unnikrishnan kept aside his plans against the militant force and stepped forward to give a helping hand to his mate. Unfortunately, that was when one of the terrorists caught Unni on his radar and kicked of the last few moments of Unnikrishnan's life. The bullets that pierced the cloudy atmosphere on that floor didn't stop with hurting a brave Indian very badly. It went to the extent of sucking the soul out of a body that served the nation for more than 12 years now. With this manuever from the bullets fired by the terrorists, Unnikrishnan's life came to a tragic end. As an ordinary individual, all I can do is to show others I love my country and I can die for the same. But, when asked to put the words into actions, I would think at least once before risking my life because that is a normal human intention. But, Unnikrishnan wasn't a normal human. He is a man above all of us. He did wat his mind commanded him to do. His soul was penned to serve the nation. With his death came the reaction from the other commandos which proved fatal to the terrorists, who almost pleaded and cried while they became preys to our men.
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