Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The worst Indian air crash ever..

Today, the people of India witnessed an unfortunate mishap that has literally sucked the lives out of almost 1000 people who were working for the aviation industry till last night. Two of the leading airliners, Kingfisher and Jet, struck a deal to overcome the heavy economic crisis which started affecting the aviation industry now. The purpose of the deal is to rationalize the air traffic route which these two airliners are enjoying right now. The aviation fuel prices are going up steadily as a result of the duty that has been applied on these fuels and also because of the international oil crisis. The exact plan that has been sketched by these two leaders in the business gives them a relief by merging the services of the two airliners and thus reduces the expenses each of them put across the services they have been rendering so far without giving up on the quality. This has also paved the way for job cuts as a result of which more than 1000 Jet airways employees are at the verge of losing their jobs. Vijay Malya was so shrewd that he made sure no one went against him while going through this deal and all his employees are safe with their jobs. Malya never opted for job cuts on his side and pursued Naresh Goyal of Jet airways to take care of the bitter part of the fable, who was prepared to face the consequences since the company was desperate to catapult its name to the apex very soon. This has resulted in several hundreds of Jet employees, most of who were members of the on-board crew, losing their lives which were aviating to greater altitudes till last night. The worst part of such a carefully planned screw-up deal was that most of these employees who have been fired never knew that they are jobless until they reported for the duties today in the morning. The disheartening fact is that some of the crew members who have been fired were still under the probation period. By striking such a disproportionate deal with Kingfisher, the owner of which had already been made to bite the dust by the poorest performance of the Royal Challengers during the first season of I.P.L T20 cricket matches, Jet has lost the momentum it carried with it while trying hard on its own to fly high!


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